Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Blame Bush Crowd Gets It Wrong Again!

On Sen. Harry Reids web page I found the following quote:

North Korea Has Dramatically Increased Its Weapons Material Stockpile under the Bush Administration. When President Bush took office in 2000, Pyongyang had enough fissile material to manufacture 1-2 nuclear weapons. Today, experts believe that North Korea possesses material sufficient to build between 4 and 13 nuclear weapons and, unless an agreement is reached to stop the country’s program, it is estimated that Pyongyang will have enough material to manufacture between 8 and 17 nuclear weapons by 2008.

You have got to be kidding me, Harry Reid blames President Bush for this? Who does he think gave North Korea the technology to build nuclear power plants (the source of the enriched uranium used to build the Korean nuclear warhead)? I'll give him a hint. It wasn't our current President.

Who, after visiting North Korea, flew directly to Japan and South Korea and convinced them to give to give humanitarian aid that went directly to the North Korean Army instead of the people it was supposed to help? Once again, it wasn't our current President!

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